
Cottonelle approached us to develop a series of short animations for the launch of their Ultra line of toilet paper. Emphasizing the superior comfort and performance of the product, we employed state-of-the-art animation technology and collaborated with top-tier animators to bring this concept to life. Our approach involved creating engaging, visually appealing animations that illustrated the product’s unique features through dynamic and playful visuals.
These animations were tailored to capture the softness and strength of the Ultra line, making abstract qualities tangible to the consumer. The campaign successfully conveyed the innovation behind Cottonelle Ultra, enhancing consumer understanding and appeal through creative excellence.


To complement the animations, we conducted a high-quality photography shoot for Cottonelle Ultra, aimed at Target’s product pages. The images showcased the product’s texture and softness in exquisite detail, enhancing online consumer engagement and aligning seamlessly with the brand’s premium messaging for an effective visual impact on retail platforms.
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