
Over a span of two years, we collaborated with StartEngine to develop a series of videos aimed at engaging both investors and consumers. Each piece featured Kevin O’Leary of Shark Tank, leveraging his well-known persona to lend credibility and attract attention. Our videos varied in messaging, tailored to articulate StartEngine’s value proposition and the benefits of participating in equity crowdfunding.
This long-term partnership focused on creating content that not only informed but also converted viewers into active participants. Through strategic storytelling and the use of a prominent figure, these videos significantly boosted StartEngine’s profile and effectiveness in reaching their target audiences.


Our collaboration with StartEngine also included a photography campaign that highlighted Kevin O’Leary’s fun and approachable side, distinct from his “Shark Tank” persona. These images captured a more relatable and engaging aspect of O’Leary, complementing the video series and enhancing the campaign’s appeal. This visual strategy helped demystify the investment process, drawing a wider audience to explore StartEngine’s offerings and engaging them in a more personal way.
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